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Elevate Everyday with Hope

The world is celebrating `Happy International Mother’s Day’ and I want to salute all the mom, who bears all the pain and faces all the difficulties just to make us happy and comfortable, wishing all the mothers a heartfelt Mother’s Day!

I’m sure each of us have learnt a lot from our mothers and for me every interaction is a learning and I wish to become as graceful, as strong, as loving as she is the one who inspires and brings hope in the whole family. I thought why not I discuss this topic `Elevate Everyday with Hope’ from our mother who right from the start nurtures & guides us in every pursuit.

So, let’s begin with wearing a thinking hat and observing what our mothers do.

Have you noticed your mother who always instills hope in whatever you do and she believes that you will achieve what you desire and what’s interesting is that she motivates you in every possible way to make it happen. Agree?

Yes friends, that is the power of hope which you can see only in that eternal love of your mother. In this unprecedent time, crisis is all around filled with uncertainty, I would want you to turn this hardship today towards HOPE to elevate every day and most important is to believe in it to make your life better.

You might ask me a question, why hope?

Hope is a beautiful skill which you can see in your mother and I would say that it should be an inherent part of every human being. Please observe your mother who is full of hope for her child and believe me hope is the only way to envision a better future. It brings positivity in you and only then you can change the situation around you for the better and hence it is important that you build hope everyday with positive mindset

So, how do we build hope?

Have you noticed your mother asking loads of questions to you, and do you self-narrate the instances happened in your life and also reveal which is also running in your mind? Yes, to build hope, the important thing is not to stop questioning yourself and have deeper questions to learn from your past, review the condition of the present situation and only then you can build hope for brighter future. Get ready to make a wisest choice in these difficult times by not worrying about your past or future but by building hope which is in action that yields results for you.

I agree that it’s tough to pull yourselves out of this pandemic, anger, disappointment, negativity , frustration, deaths, lockdown, job loss, insecurity, monetary losses has grappled all around I also believe that this is not the year to get everything you want, however I want you to tune your mind to make right choice, understand that hope is a choice to cope better in this circumstances.

On this Mother’s Day, let’s look at few ways how our mother keeps hope alive in these hard times:

1. Believe in yourself, it starts with you – Mother never lets you down and she instills the seed that grows stronger and she always says `You can do it’. Move out of your comfort zone, think what is possible to rise beyond the challenges and make it happen.

2. Practicing Gratitude in everything you do – Few lessons like sorry thank you, extending a helping hand and many other habits are thought naturally by a mother to a child and it’s a thoughtful gesture to practice gratitude all through life as it heals internally, feels content in what your do and leads happier life.

3. Focus on strength and not limitation – Mother is the only one who focuses on the abundance you have than leaning on the limitations and she ensures to make you stronger by focusing only on your strength which inspires, motivates and energizes you to go after your goals even if you encounter any obstacles.

4. Have Faith and don’t lose focus – Have you noticed your mother encouraging in anything you do and she has faith in you to motivate & help you in difficult times and this behavior of hers will not only help you de-stress and leads you to focus on your purpose

5. Be kind and helpful – Mother is a life-giver and spreads kindness expecting nothing in return. This cannot come naturally unless you acknowledge, appreciate & practice kindness with good will and make a difference that has a lasting effect and impact the people around you.

6. Uncover your belief & believe in self-talk – Your mother is your first teacher and she have the superpower to change your limiting belief by recognizing the good in you. she can embrace & rise you beyond possibilities with deep conviction, continual repetition and with positive notion. You need to transform your belief in what you want in life by recognizing the good in you and make your inner voice stronger with your talent and skills to create the best in life.

7. Cultivating Optimism – Mothers are always trying new things, explore, learns and she makes the best to achieve success and she never gives up and she tries hard again and again until she wins. Taming our thoughts optimistically will see the opportunity in every difficulty and helps you to achieve high results and encourage you to look at positive side for success.

There are unlimited ways to look at mother’s hope, and our thoughts have a lot to do with our intention and the above points is to instill positivity and add value as hope is part of everyone’s life. Hope helps us to define the way we lead our life and what we want in our future. So, practice hope to elevate every day in your life.

Wishing you all a very Happy Mother’s Day. Be Safe, Stay Calm, Be Kind, and most importantly Be Positive with your perspectives and thank you for tuning in.

Also Read: Leadership Lessons from my First Teacher – My Mother

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